Hello from Texas!
With all my moving around, I've decided to start a brief, educational, and sometimes funny newsletter. It will only come once a quarter but if you don't want to know, email me. I'll remove you from the list. If you do want to know, read on!
Our new home :)
Living in Texas- in an RV??
I recently moved into an RV in Texas. The first question I get about this is, "Why would you live in an RV? What happened??" Did you lose all your money on a cock fight in Mexico? Did you commit a crime and are now running from the law? What catastrophe happened to force this?
No, actually we (my boyfriend and I) did it because we wanted to. You know the minimalist mentality: less stuff, less cost, less cleaning, etc. However, we're two weeks in and I'm asking myself the same thing... Why oh why??
Don't get me wrong, I think this will be wonderful in the end, but man it's quite an adjustment. Mentally, it's liberating to have so much less STUFF. And the RV is 300 square feet (see photo above) so we have no problem finding our own space but.... here's the kicker... I never realized how wildly I gesticulate!
I kid you not, my biggest issue so far has been: bumping into things. I'm covered in scratches and bruises inflicted by our overhead cabinets and desk corners. I've broken two glasses and spilled an entire (green and thick) smoothie all over our tiny kitchen counter.
The funniest incident happened last week. Our entry step is 3.5 feet above the ground. One evening, when locking up, I leaned out to close the front door and forgot a step. Without a proper hand hold, I sailed out of the trailer and landed with an "OOF!" directly on my bum. My boyfriend appeared at the door and looked down, "Where'd you go? You were there one minute and then you disappeared!" I will NEVER miss that step again.
Luckily there were no broken bones, only a bruised ego and some more scratches and bruises to add to the collection.
As I said, this RV thing will take some getting used to. If you'd like more funny stories, stay tuned for next quarter's update.
And now some photos of our road trip to Texas:
Zion National Park
Dinner @ Grand Canyon
Carlsbad Caverns, NM
Making it Work
I'm still working! I would be stupid to ditch all you wonderful people without looking back...
I have several jobs going in San Diego and I return about once a month for meetings and site visits. Yep, that's right, I'm commuting from Texas.
So please remember me when your neighbor mentions that new kitchen they've been dreaming of. Or when your Mom gets a code violation. Or when your work friend hires a crappy contractor and they need an advocate who knows the right people. You get the point... remember me!*
*I give you full permission to remember the image of me flying out of the RV and onto my bum, whatever helps :)